So what is the Peaceful Pathway....... and why should you read this book?

Well, it is exactly that. The most peaceful pathway possible for you following separation. You just need to know how to find it.

Here is where I want to help you. While working with my clients, I have created my own step-by-step process that calms my clients, prepares them, and walks them through a peaceful path towards amicable and peaceful solutions.

It utilises the mediation process and the collaborative process all in one. Couples can follow this process, with or without me, or with some help from some other great professionals.

I have written this book with the intention it will help couples work through this process on their own. Couples who don’t want a fight, who are looking for that peaceful pathway to the end of their separation, but just need a guide, a little help.

The Peaceful Pathway is quite simple; it involves calm, careful and planned decisions. It utilises positive and effective assistance from others, and it helps you avoid litigation and make good and positive choices following separation.

 Staying on the Peaceful Pathway immediately after separation

 ·        Stay calm.

·         Do not make any rash decisions.

·         Watch your behaviour.

·         Be kind to yourself and others.

·         Gather information and plan.

·         You need to take care of yourself.

·         Get the right advice.   

How will this book help?

This is a guidebook that will help you through the various stages following separation.

You will be given comprehensive guidance and tips on how best to act in different situations, the best possible communication, things to avoid, how to stay calm, and how to be in the best possible frame of mind to discuss options.

You will be guided through the various steps to completely prepare yourself, which follows my own standard set of steps used throughout my mediation sessions with clients.

You and your ex-spouse will have a clear idea as to your needs and issues, and will have a set strategy as to what you need in their future. This in itself, reduces confusion and conflict. This book will set you up to know and discuss these issues.

You will also be given the knowledge and understanding as to how to prepare your financial records, know what you need and know where to find it. You will be completely ready to discuss these issues, and to move into negotiations whether with your ex-spouse directly or in another peaceful style of negotiation.

This is the Peaceful Pathway, which we will be exploring throughout the book:

1.      Stay calm: Realign yourself and your values. Map your new pathway.

2.     Prepare: Do your research. Form your team. Create action lists and consider your needs and interests.

3.     Gather: Collect all the information, documents and advice you need.

4.     Explore: Investigate, fully understand and review your needs. Do a regular reality test to make sure you are still on the pathway.

5.     Negotiate: Create the right atmosphere. Know what you need to discuss. Negotiate. Find ways through your obstacles.

6.     Resolve: Finalise your agreement. Test your solution. Write it up.

If you complete the steps, you will be well prepared, guided in the right direction and shown how to follow a peaceful path. This path will lead you to the creation of your own agreement. Your own solution. One that fulfils all of your issues and needs, and will ultimately allow you to move forward into a calm and peaceful future with your ex-partner. You will save a lot of time and money. Most importantly, your children will benefit from a calm and happy environment and thrive moving forward.

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Kirsty Salvestro